Customer Search


IN A WORLD OF BUSINESS UNCERTAINTY, knowledge in advance enables one to be prepared.

Paladin Commercial Group, your trusted commercial collection agency, is committed to equipping you with the necessary tools and insights to make informed decisions and safeguard your business interests.

Free Debtor Database: An Essential Tool for Your Business

Search our free debtor database to see if your customer has been placed for collection by any of our clients. This tool is not restricted to any specific industry, thus providing a better overall search engine.

It is designed to assist you in…

  • determining if you will authorize credit, including increasing already set credit lines
  • identifying a debtor company and making informed decisions about placing accounts for collection and ultimately increasing the probability of recovering funds owed to you

To be forewarned is to be forearmed.

A Team
Of Professionals.

We are more than just commercial debt collectors. We are a team of professionals dedicated to transforming distribution and marketing with key capabilities in customer insight and analytics.

Analyze Your

Understanding a debtor company’s position in the market is crucial. Our Free Debtor Database is designed to provide you with a valuable resource, ensuring your business decisions are informed, prepared, and resilient.

Business Information

Our Trading operations support helps clients enhance their front, middle, and back-office functions. We offer a comprehensive service package to buy-side, sell-side, and market infrastructure firms. Our services include systems integration and technology consulting designed to advance trading and settlement capabilities across all asset classes.

Key Analyze

As a leading commercial debt recovery agency, our full-service offering is backed by strategic planning, architecture design, operating model refinement, process improvement, systems development, and trading. Our holistic approach ensures every aspect of your business is aligned for the best possible outcomes.

Our Workflow & Process

We collaborate with you to refine and enhance every stage of your trading operations, ensuring efficiency and success in a competitive marketplace.

Capital Markets Specialist

Dan Duncan

President and CEO

Traci Noffsinger

Director of Client Services and Administration, VP of Business Administration

Our Services

Need Help ?

Feel free to contact us.
We will respond within 1-2 business days by email.
You can also call us directly for immediate assistance.


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