Daniel has worked at Paladin for five years specializing in sales and business development models.Large broad-based clients or small business owners have benefitted from his ability to create production in-house SOP guidance. His attention to detail and ability to come along others to assist in projects and direction, has catapulted his career. He has proven that his competitive traits push him to achieve maximum results for his clients. That drive comes from a competitive athletic background. A strong recruit in baseball, Daniel played college ball in Colby, KS.
In his free time, he can be found out on a lake fishing, hunting and spending time with my family at a sports game or at home making some good ol’ southern BBQ.
When asked what he tells his clients, he replied “The biggest free advice I can give is that you always need a collections firm in your back pocket for your business. Debtors can avoid you, dodge your calls and letters but they can’t dodge the efforts of my team.”
Phone : 303-696-3900 x1702
Email : dmackay@paladincommerical.com